Adoption Day

Today’s the day! Finally we’re going to be an official family. Mom is crying happy tears and tying ribbons in my hair. Mama is smiling and smoothing the wrinkles in my dress.

We walk into the courtroom and go down the long aisle to the front. The judge has a big grin on his face.  “Adoptions are my favorite,” he says.

I came to live with Mom and Mama as a foster kid. It was weird at first. I felt like a guest, always on my best behavior.

But I wasn’t always perfect. And they didn’t send me away. They just loved me harder.

One time I cut a hole in the carpet. It was an accident. I was cutting out a paper snowflake for the window. Mama said to be more careful. Mom said I should do cutting at my desk. But they gave me a hug.

Another time I tried to make them cookies. I wanted to thank them for being nice to me, even when I made mistakes. But I made another mistake. I wasn’t allowed to use the oven by myself. I got in trouble, but they still loved me. They say they always will.

Now I get to be their for-real daughter. I’ve been waiting forever. Mom says they’ve wanted this for a long time. Mama says the legal stuff takes a while.

The judge says it’s time to sign the papers. We do. He gives a little speech about families.

And then the doors open and people come in. Mom’s parents are first. Then Mama’s sister. Our neighbor is there. And some teachers from school come too.

We all hug and jump around. I get hugged so much that the ribbons fall out of my hair. But I don’t care. I smile at the judge. Adoptions are my favorite, too.