Blobbing Around

Brooklyn and Addie were on their way to summer camp. They couldn’t wait to get there. They both loved extreme sports, and there were plenty of adventurous activities to try at camp each year.

“My favorite thing about camp is the rafting,” said Brooklyn.

“My favorite is the rock climbing,” said Addie.

“What about blobbing?” asked their mother. “You both loved that last year.”

“Blobbing!” the girls agreed. They’d forgotten about blobbing. Blobbing was definitely the best.

“What’s blobbing?” asked their brother Micah.

“It’s as much fun as its name,” said Brooklyn. “They put a big air pillow in the middle of the lake. It’s called a blob. You sit on one end of the blob and someone jumps on the other end. When they jump, you go flying!”

“They also call it the human catapult,” said Addie. “Like your medieval Lego set that launches rocks. But this launches people!”

“Daddy told me how blobbing started,” said their mother. “The first blobs were created by the Navy. They used them to carry extra gasoline behind ships. Gasoline is lighter than water. So when they filled the air pillow blob with gas, it floated along behind the ship. Sailors started jumping on the blobs for fun. Then they organized it into a sport. They held contests to see who could launch the highest.”

Micah thought blobbing sounded like fun. He couldn’t wait until he was old enough to join his sisters at camp. “Next year I’ll be the king of blobbing!” he said.