
Do you like to read spooky books? Some kids only like happy endings. But for some kids, scary is best!

What makes a scary book enjoyable? Like all stories, scary ones let us experience different emotions in a safe way. When you read a scary story, you can practice being brave. You can try on what it feels like to be afraid without ever being in real danger.

Spooky books also help you practice problem solving. You can think about what you would do if you were in the same situation as the characters. Many scary books are mysteries. They encourage you to figure out the puzzle and solve the problem while you read.

The truth is that life isn’t always easy. It’s okay to be scared. Spooky books teach us these lessons. These stories show us that life is hard sometimes but you can survive.

Some people say that reading about dark topics allows kids to explore their own dark thoughts in an appropriate way. You might wonder what it would be like to do something mean or creepy. You would never actually do those things in real life, but you can read about them and learn that way.

Last but not least, spooky books can just be plain fun! These kinds of stories can be funny as well as scary. They let you use your imagination. And that’s always a good thing!