Bubble Walls

What is the funniest wallpaper you can imagine? Would it have jokes written on it? Silly pictures? What if it was bubble wrap? That would be pretty crazy.

Can you imagine if your room was covered in bubble wrap? Would you spend all day popping the bubbles? Would you ever sleep?

Believe it or not, bubble wrap was originally invented to be wallpaper! It was first created in 1957. Two engineers invented it.

The engineers sealed two shower curtains together. The seal created a bunch of air bubbles. They thought it was pretty cool. But they didn’t know what to do with it.

Then they had an idea. They would sell it as wallpaper! Surprisingly it wasn’t very popular. They were selling it to adults. Maybe they should have tried selling it to kids.

Kids would have bought the bubble wrap wallpaper for sure. But adults did not. So in 1960 the engineers found a new use for their invention. They turned it into packing material.

The new idea worked. The engineers created a company called Sealed Air Corporation. They sold bubble wrap to package IBM computers.

IBM computers became very popular. So bubble wrap became very popular. The Sealed Air Corporation still exists today. It still sells bubble wrap. But sadly it doesn’t sell wallpaper.