Bye-Bye Bunny Slope

Tommy’s family was going skiing. He couldn’t wait. He pictured himself swooshing down the mountain. He was sure he was going to go fast.

But when they got there Tommy found out he had a lot to learn before he could swoosh. He didn’t even know how to put his skis on! He had to take a lesson.

That’s how Tommy found himself on the bunny slope. That was a silly name for a little hill. It was definitely not a mountain. And it was definitely not cool.

Tommy watched his older brothers climb onto the ski lift and head up the mountain. They had all been skiing before. They would be swooshing in no time. Meanwhile, Tommy was stuck with the bunnies.

Tommy tried to learn as fast as he could. But his skis kept getting tangled. The instructor was very patient. And Tommy kept at it.

Tommy learned gliding, duck walking, and side stepping. He learned how to do a snowplow stop. At the end of the first day he was still on the bunny slope.

The next day, Tommy learned how to get up when he fell. He learned a bullfighter turn. But at the end of the day, he was still on the bunny slope.

Finally, on day three, Tommy learned how to get onto the chair lift. The next stop was the mountain! He would try an easy run first. But he was so excited to get off the bunny slope.

Tommy rode the lift with his brothers. They stayed with him on the smaller slope, even though they were good enough to ski on the more difficult ski runs. The boys skied down the mountain together. Tommy grinned a huge grin. He was doing it. He was swooshing!

As Tommy skied to the bottom he waved to the bunny slope. “Bye-bye bunny slope,” he thought. “You were there when I needed you. But now I can ski!”