Coco’s Cream Pies

Sunshine stepped into Coco’s Cream Pie shop just after it opened. She couldn’t wait to buy her pie and taste the creamy goodness. Coco was the best baker in town.

“Good morning, Coco,” said Sunshine. “One cream pie please. Here is my $5.”

“Good morning, Sunshine,” said Coco. “It’s actually $6 now. Ingredients are so expensive. I had to raise my prices.”

Coco pointed to a sign on the counter behind her. It said ‘Cream Pies - $6.’

“I made the sign last night and left it in my office. I meant to hang it up this morning, but I’ve been too upset.”

“What are you upset about?” asked Sunshine.

“There was a break-in last night,” explained Coco. “A thief climbed through my office window. They stole the money in the cash box. Luckily the office door was locked. So they didn’t get into the main shop. Otherwise I bet they would have taken the money from the cash register. They might have even taken all of the pies!”

“That’s terrible,” said Sunshine. “Do you know who it was?”

“No idea,” said Coco. “But I wish I could get my money back. If not, I might have to raise the price of pies to $7.”

“I’ll help you, Coco,” said Sunshine. But she didn’t know how she could find the thief.

Sunshine walked home with her pie. She couldn’t wait to eat it. As she walked by the park, she saw Reggie and Annabelle playing basketball. “Hi!” she called out to them.

“Hi!” they called back.

“What’s in the bag?” asked Anna.

“One of Coco’s famous pies,” replied Sunshine. “They’re so delicious.”

“Oooh, yummy,” said Reggie. “I’m going to buy one of those later. I have $5 right here.” He held out his money.

“You’ll need $6, not $5,” said Anna. “Coco raised the prices.”

Sunshine looked at Anna. “I think you’d better come with me to talk with Coco,” she said. “There’s something you need to apologize for.”