Cousin Camp

Jeremy leaped out of the car and ran to the porch of the farmhouse. He bounded up the steps two at a time. David was at the top to greet him with a high five. Ruth-Ellen was there too, and she gave him a big hug.

Nana and Granddad came out on the porch. “Welcome to Cousin Camp!” Granddad said. The three kids hooked arms and jumped up and down. Cousin Camp, the week they spent at their grandparents’ farm, was the best part of the summer.

Their parents all stayed for ice tea with Granddad and Nana. The grown-ups sat in the rocking chairs and talked and talked. It took forever. Finally, the last car disappeared down the road and the kids were free. Now the fun could begin!

Nana and Granddad had planned an awesome afternoon for the three cousins. It started with the annual first day tractor ride. Granddad hitched the wagon to the back of the tractor, and the kids climbed in and nestled among the hay bales. They toppled over as Granddad took a turn fast, making a circle in the field. They couldn’t stop laughing.

After the ride, they got out the old-fashioned ice cream churn. It was a big wooden bucket with a metal handle. Nana poured the custard into the canister. Granddad added the ice and the rock salt. Then it was time to turn the crank. The kids took turns churning until their arms were sore. They hoped the ice cream would be worth it!

Later, Nana took them fishing. They motored out to the middle of the lake in the boat. Nana reminded them how to put worms on their hooks. Ruth-Ellen caught four fish. David caught two. Jeremy only caught one, but he didn’t mind too much. He’d catch more tomorrow.

Back at the house, Granddad grilled their fish for dinner. They had corn on the cob with gobs of butter and fresh salad from the garden. For dessert they had slabs of Nana’s homemade blueberry pie with the ice cream they’d made. Its sweet, creamy goodness was definitely worth their sore arms.

Dinner ended and darkness came to the farm. David yawned. Ruth-Ellen stretched. Jeremy could barely keep his eyes open. Nana said games and movies would have to wait.

The cousins piled into the four-poster beds in the attic and burrowed under the thick quilts. They fell asleep dreaming about what they would do tomorrow. No matter what, it was sure to be a fun day at Cousin Camp!