Dolly Bacon and the Missing Eggs

Dolly Bacon, pig detective, was relaxing in her pen. Suddenly, Leroy Rooster came running over. “Help!” he crowed. “Our eggs are missing!”               

“I’m on the case,” said Dolly. She followed Leroy to the coop. Lulu the hen was sitting sadly by the empty nest box.           

“Our eggs are gone,” she clucked. “I was sitting on them,” she explained. “I went to get a drink of water. And when I came back, they had disappeared. They are round and white and very beautiful.”           

“Try not to worry,” said Dolly. “I’m sure we will find them.”         

Dolly went in search of the eggs around the farm. She asked the horses if they had seen any round, white objects. They had not. The cows hadn’t either.       

“The only eggs we’ve seen are our own,” said the ducks.      

Dolly looked for clues. On the side of the pond, she spied some round, white objects. “Eggs!” she squealed      

But they weren’t eggs. They were just round stones. She kept looking.          

“We saw some round, white things,” said the sheep. “Over on the windowsill.”          

But the round, white objects on the windowsill weren’t eggs. They were cookies. And they were delicious.          

Dolly thought as she munched on a cookie. Where could the eggs be? Suddenly she heard a noise. She saw a flash of yellow. And that’s when Dolly realized. She’d been looking for the wrong thing entirely.           

Dolly ran back to Leroy and Lulu. “Did you find them?” asked Lulu. Her wings flapped in anticipation.          

“No,” said Dolly. “I didn’t find your eggs . . . but I did find your chicks!”