Quinceanera Queen

Camila looked in the mirror. Her lavender dress flounced around her, and her necklace sparkled at her throat. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. She looked just like shed imagined she would for her Quinceanera.

Today Camila is 15 years old. In Mexican culture, it was a special day for a girl. It was the day when a child became recognized as an adult.

That morning, Camila and her family had gone to a Thanksgiving service at their church. Now, they were hosting a big party. Camila snuck away to touch up her lip gloss before her grand entrance. It was time!

Camila walked down the hall and opened the doors to the banquet room. Inside the room were her parents, her sisters, and all of her family and friends. Seeing them all in one place, here to celebrate her, was overwhelming and wonderful at the same time.

When she walked into the room, everyone clapped. Camila twirled. This was her moment.  Then, her dad walked over and took her hand. It was time for their dance.

The music started up. It was a waltz. Camila and her dad had practiced it many times. They whirled around the floor together. It felt like magic.

After the father-daughter dance, Camilas friends joined her on the dance floor. The music switched to modern rock.

In between dancing, Camila and her guests had a delicious dinner. The caterers made all of her favorite Mexican foods. And there was a huge white cake with pink and purple flowers that matched her dress.

At the end of the night, Camila was exhausted but happy. Her Quinceanera was truly a dream come true.