It's Raining Fish! Weird Weather That's Real

Northern Territory is a desert.
It is in Australia.
It is hot.
It is dry.

One day, it rained.
It rained fish!
Fish fell on rooftops.
Fish fell on roads.
Fish fell on cars.
Fish fell everywhere.


Where did the fish come from?
A waterspout is a small tornado.
It can start over water.
It can start over a lake.
It can suck up all the water in a lake.
It can suck up the fish, too.
The waterspout goes up.
It flies to the sky.
It takes the water.
It takes the fish, too.

Wind blows the water.
Wind can blow it far away.
Wind blows the fish, too.
What goes up, must come down.
The water must fall from the sky.
The fish must fall, too.

This is why it rained fish in Australia.
A waterspout took water from a lake.
It took the fish, too.
The wind blew them far away.
Then the water fell.
It fell as rain.
So did the fish.