Kabuki Theater Is Not Silent

Kabuki is a kind of play. Kabuki is from Japan.
Kabuki is 400 years old.

Kabuki is pretty. Kabuki is funny. Kabuki is loud.
Kabuki is easy to understand.

Kabuki has music. Kabuki has dance. Kabuki means “singing and dancing.”

There are two kinds of Kabuki plays. One kind tells a story. One kind is mostly dance.

A woman made the first Kabuki. She was an actor. But then Japan made a new law. Only men could act in plays. Men played the parts of women.

All Kabuki actors are men. Some actors only play women. These actors are called onnagata.

Kabuki actors wear wild makeup. Kabuki actors wear bright costumes. Kabuki actors wear wild wigs.

Kabuki actors dance. Kabuki actors move like clowns. Kabuki actors move in big ways. Kabuki actors do funny things.

Kabuki is a form of art. Kabuki is important to Japan. Kabuki is part of its history.