Lonely Lunchtime

Eddie got his tray and moved along the lunch line. Sloppy Joes were not his favorite. He grabbed a milk carton and went over to the table in the corner. Lunch was the worst part of the day.

Angela loved Sloppy Joes. Her moms never made them, so she was glad to have them at school. She picked up her milk and headed to a table with her friends. Lunch was the best part of the day.

As Eddie was eating, he looked over at Angela’s table. Everyone was laughing. It looked like they were having fun.

Angela looked over at Eddie’s table too. He was all alone. He wasn’t smiling.

Angela turned back to laugh again with her friends. But then she thought about how Eddie might be feeling. She remembered Mr. Bell’s lesson about random acts of kindness. She realized she could be kind right now.

Angela picked up her tray. She told her friends she was going to eat somewhere else today. She walked over to Eddie’s table in the corner.

“Can I sit here?” she asked.

“Sure,” Eddie said. Now he was smiling.

The rest of Angela’s friends saw what she was doing. They decided to be kind too. They joined Angela and Eddie at the corner table.

Angela and her friends were laughing and joking again. They made sure to include Eddie in their conversation so he wouldn’t feel left out. What do you know, thought Eddie, maybe lunch was the best part of the day.