The Lost City of Atlantis

Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher. He told a story about the city of Atlantis. He said that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean. The civilization of Atlantis conquered Europe and Africa. But the Greeks fought back. Atlantis sunk under the ocean and vanished forever.

Is this tale true? Does the underwater city of Atlantis exist? It’s a mystery lost to history.

Most scholars do not believe the legend of Atlantis. They think that Plato invented the story as a cautionary tale. He wanted to warn people about the dangers of conquering other civilizations.

Other people think that the story has a grain of truth. One theory is that Atlantis is based on the Minoan civilization. The Minoans lived on the island of Crete. Crete is in the Mediterranean Sea, not the Atlantic Ocean. But the Minoans did conquer other lands, and the Greeks eventually beat them.

Like Atlantis, the Minoans disappeared from history. Scholars think that there was an earthquake on a nearby volcanic island. The volcano erupted and caused large waves, which covered Minoan settlements in water.

Another theory is that Atlantis is really Antarctica. This idea was based on the work of Charles Hapgood. The hypothesis is that the continent of Antarctica used to be near the Mediterranean Sea. It was home to an advanced civilization like Atlantis.

Then, about 12,000 years ago, the Earth’s crust shifted. Antarctica moved to the South Pole, where it is today. The sudden freezing temperatures buried the civilization under layers of ice.

Neither of these theories fully explains the story of Atlantis. Some scholars are still searching for the answers. The mystery may never be solved. Meanwhile, people like to imagine Atlantis as a flourishing city under the waves.