
If you won the lottery, what would you do? I’m asking because I just won the lottery. Yep, it’s true. Now I have to decide how to spend my prize. Any ideas?

Some people might say that the lottery is wasted on a fifth grader. I don’t think so. Imagine all the candy I could buy! Mom says it will rot my teeth, but lottery candy can’t hurt, right?

Maybe candy’s not the best idea. What about water squirters? I could buy a hundred water squirters. I could buy water squirters for every kid at my school and we could have an epic water squirter battle! I’d love to see Principal Fudder’s face when we all pulled out our squirters to soak the teachers.

Or I could get a bunch of magic tricks. That would be pretty awesome. I’d get the rabbit in the hat, the box you can saw in half, and the trick water pitcher. I’d be Matthew the Magnificent, the best showman in 5th grade. I’d win the spring talent show for sure.

Maybe it would be better to get a dirt bike. Better yet, a bunch of dirt bikes for all my friends. We could rent out the dirt bike course for a whole weekend and practice our wheelies.

Actually, I should probably think bigger. A vacation to Hawaii would be pretty cool. I could learn to surf and swim with dolphins and stuff. I bet mom would love a trip to a tropical paradise.

There are so many options and so little time. I’ll have to make a decision soon. Right now, I’m cashing in my ticket. I can’t wait to see how many millions I’m going to get.

Wait, what? What’s that? I only won $50? Oh. Well. That’s a little different then. I guess Hawaii is not an option. I probably can’t afford dirt bikes or a school full of water squirters. Maybe just one little rabbit? That’s what I’ll get. I’ll name him Lucky.