Monica’s Ballet

Monica smoothed her dress. She was standing back stage and her stomach felt full of butterflies. She couldn’t wait to perform in her first Nutcracker ballet! She was a little bit nervous, but she knew she was ready. She had been rehearsing for weeks.

Monica had been so excited when she was picked to be a party girl in the opening act of the Nutcracker. She had gone to see the ballet with her parents at holiday time every since she was 5. Now, at 9, she would be a part of it!

It was time to go on stage. Monica remembered to hold her head up and point her toes. Dancing was so much fun! She twirled on the stage. At the end of the party scene, she skipped off, bowing and waving to the audience.

Monica watched the rest of the ballet from behind the scenes. She loved the exciting battle in the middle of the first act. The Nutracker Prince fought the Mouse King! Some of her ballet friends were soldiers and mice. They did a wonderful job with their parts.

After the battle, the snowflakes danced. They were so beautiful. But Monica couldn’t wait for act two. That’s when the Sugar Plum Fairy did her twirls!  She was her favorite and so magnificent.

When the ballet was over, Monica and the rest of the cast met their friends and family backstage. There was a lot of hugging and kissing. Everyone got flowers.

Monica felt like a real grown-up dancer. She couldn’t wait until next year. She wondered what part she would get. She imagined years in the future when she might play a flower or a snowflake or even the Sugar Plum Fairy herself!