Opal's Rain Cloud

When Opal woke up it was raining. In her bedroom. Actually, just over her bed. The rest of the room was dry.

She looked out the window. It was sunny. But above her head it was wet, wet, wet.

Opal looked up and saw the small, black rain cloud. It was hovering. “Why?” asked Opal.

She walked into the hall. The rain cloud followed. “Grrr,” thought Opal.

Her brother Eddie came out of his room. He didn’t have a rain cloud over his head. He had a sunbeam.

“What is up with this?” asked Opal. She was grumpy.

“Maybe your cloud is matching your mood,” said Eddie.

“My mood was fine until it started raining on my head,” said Opal.

Opal ate breakfast with the cloud. It made her cereal extra soggy. She rode the bus with the cloud. The bus driver made a face at her because she was dripping on the floor.

Everyone else Opal saw had rainbows and sunbeams above their heads. No one had rain. But then, across the hallway, Opal saw someone else with a cloud. It was a snow cloud. But it would do.

“Hello,” said Opal to the snow cloud kid.    

“Hello,” he said back. “I’m Arnold.”

Opal wasn’t sure why the cloud had come. But she was glad that it had. Because it helped her to make a friend. She just hoped that tomorrow she would get a rainbow.