Pancakes with Grandpa

Benji loves to spend the night at Grandpa’s house. First they eat dinner. Then they play checkers.

Grandpa puts pillows and blankets on the floor. Benji makes a nest to sleep in. It is cozy and warm.

In the morning, Grandpa makes pancakes. He lets Benji help. Benji is a good helper.

“First we put on our aprons,” says Grandpa. “Then we wash our hands.”

“Next we get out the ingredients,” says Benji.

They get the flour, sugar, and baking powder from the pantry. They get butter, milk, and eggs from the fridge. Grandpa helps Benji measure each ingredient into a big bowl. Benji mixes them with a spoon.

“Did we forget something?” asks Grandpa.

Benji thinks. “Chocolate chips!” he says. Benji loves chocolate chips in his pancakes. Grandpa does too.

Benji stirs in the chips. Grandpa turns on the stove. Together, they pour the batter in the pan.

Benji makes circles. Grandpa makes a “B” for Benji. He makes  “G” for Grandpa.

The pancakes cook on one side. Then Grandpa flips them high in the air. That is Benji’s favorite part.

Well, it’s his second favorite part. His most favorite part comes next. Eating them!