Penguin Partners

Emperor Penguins are amazing parents. The moms and dads work together to take care of their family. They do a lot to help their chicks survive.

First the mom penguin walks over fifty miles to lay her egg on solid ice. She is tired from the journey. Once she lays her egg, she turns around to go back to the sea.

Then the dad penguin takes over. For two months he stands in the freezing cold with the egg on his feet. If he drops the egg on the ice it will die.

The mom returns when the egg hatches. She brings food for the baby chick. She stays with the chick while the dad makes the long trip to the sea.

Months go by. The mom and dad penguins take turns going back and forth to the water. One brings food for the chick while the other keeps the chick safe.

The penguin parents are in a race. They have to help their chicks grow big enough to swim before the ice melts. They need to find enough fish to feed their chicks so they can grow.

Sadly, the race is getting harder because the climate is changing. The ice is melting too fast for the chicks to grow. There are also less fish for the penguins to eat.

Penguins make great parents because they are partners. Each parent has an important role to play. The chicks need their parents to work together so they can survive and thrive.