Physical Feelings

Can you tell that your friend is happy? Do you know when your mom is mad? How can you figure out what people are feeling without words?

Humans show emotions in many ways. One of those ways is with their body. Tears might show that someone is sad. A red face might mean they are angry.

When people use the muscles in their face to show their feelings, it’s called a facial expression. Smiles and frowns are common examples. Humans can make over twenty different expressions with their facial muscles.

Sometimes people control their expressions. You can create a smile for the camera when you’re having your picture taken. But sometimes expressions just happen when you have a strong feeling.

Facial expressions are not the only way that people show feelings with their bodies. When people are nervous, they sometimes sweat. Their voices might shake, and their hands might shake too.

These same physical reactions can happen when someone is scared. They could also have a fast heart rate. They might even get goose bumps.

What about crying? Tears often mean that a person is sad. But people also cry when they are angry, happy, or hurt. Any strong emotion can produce tears.

Have you ever cried when something seems unfair? What about when you are lonely and left out? There are lots of reasons to cry. And crying can help you feel better.

All of these physical reactions are clues to what you, and others, are feeling. Watching someone’s face can give you a lot of information about their emotions. And if you pay attention to your body you might understand your own feelings better too.