Snow Day!

Mom’s phone buzzed. A text had arrived. Gracie and James dove to see it. School was closed. It was a snow day!

The snow had been falling since the night before. It was piling up. It was perfect for sledding and building.

Gracie pulled on her boots. Christopher grabbed his hat and gloves. They tumbled out the door and into the white covered world.

“Let’s sled first,” called Christopher. He headed toward the hill. Gracie followed in his tracks.

They jumped on the saucer and pushed off. “Whoosh!” Down the hill they went.

“Again!” Gracie said. They slid down the hill over and over. Their cheeks were pink and their smiles were big.

“Let’s build now,” said Gracie. She started to make a snow person. Christopher piled up snowballs for a fort.

“Now it’s time for a snowball fight!” he said. He pelted Gracie with a snowball. It bounced off her snow pants.

Gracie threw one back at Christopher. It missed. They laughed and chased each other. It was hard to run in the snow!

Finally they collapsed in a heap. They were tired. They were cold.

“Time for hot cocoa!” they both said. They went inside and took off their snow clothes. They warmed their hands by the heater. And, on the table, they found two mugs of cocoa with marshmallows, waiting just for them.