Thrills and Chills

Jules and Oliver waited in line for the Super Space Coaster. Jules hopped up and down. She grabbed Oliver’s arm.

“I can’t wait!” she squealed.

“I can,” Oliver mumbled.

Oliver was not as excited as Jules. He was terrified. The Super Space Coaster was very high. It had a lot of twists and turns. Standing in line, Oliver could hear the screams of the riders before him. It was not a comforting sound.

The line moved up to the measuring stick. You had to be taller than the stick in order to ride. Oliver secretly hoped he wouldn’t be tall enough, but he was. Jules was barely tall enough, but the attendant passed her through.

“Phew!” she said. “I thought I might have to sit out.”

“I wish I could sit out,” Oliver thought.

Jules was still hopping up and down. Now Oliver was doing it too, but for a different reason. It’s funny how it’s hard to tell excitement from nervousness sometimes. They both give you butterflies.

Soon they were at the front of the line. They got into the cart and fastened the bar. Oliver checked the bar several times to make extra sure it was safe. He took a deep breath to calm down.

Then they were off! Their cart moved along the track, up and down over the first few hills. Then, slowly, up-up-up. And, quickly, DOWN!!!!

Jules and Oliver screamed, just like the riders who had come before them. Jules waved her hands in the air. Oliver held tight to the bar.

When it was over, Jules bounded out of the car. Oliver got out shakily. Actually, it hadn’t been that bad. It was kind of exciting. He wondered why people enjoyed scaring themselves, but it was definitely a thrill.

“Let’s go again!” said Jules.

“Sure,” said Oliver, surprising them both. “Why not?”