Tower of Terror

The words “tower of terror” might make you think of a ride at an amusement park. But is there a tower of terror in real life? Some people say that the Tower of London in England is a true-to-life terror.              

The Tower of London was built in 1066 by William the Conqueror. It started as a wooden tower. William used it for weapons, horses, and food. Later he decided to make it bigger and grander.  The new design took twenty years to build.               

Over the years, the Tower has grown and changed. It went from being a storeroom for food and horses to being a palace for royalty. It has also been home to the Royal Mint, which makes the money for England. At one time exotic animals lived there. It has even stored the crown jewels.              

If none of this sounds scary, just wait. The six ravens who live there are pretty spooky.  But the terror part of the Tower comes from its history as a prison.              

The most famous prisoners kept at the Tower were the wives of Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were thrown in the Tower. Then they were beheaded.

Years before, two other famous prisoners came to the Tower.

When King Edward IV died in 1483, his two young sons were sent there. The princes’ names were Edward and Richard. Edward was going to be the next king. But he never got to be king. Once they went to the Tower, the princes were never seen again.

Some people think the princes were murdered. But no one really knows. Did they escape? Or do they haunt the halls today? People say they have felt a ghostly presence in the area where the princes stayed. If you visit, you might feel a chill from the Tower of Terror!