
“Turkey!” yelled Anita in triumph. “Woohoo!” She had just bowled her third strike in a row. She flapped her arms like turkey wings in celebration.

Leah laughed. Then she sighed. She was up next. No turkey for her. She would never get three strikes. She would never even get one strike. She was hoping for a spare, if she knocked down all the pins with two balls. But so far she hadn’t gotten more than seven pins down.

Anita came sliding over in her bowling shoes. They were red on one side and green on the other. “Want some help?” she asked.

Leah agreed. Anita showed her how to place her fingers in the holes of the bowling ball so they would be more comfortable. She showed her how many steps to take as she came up to the line, and how to release the ball at just the right time.

“Eight!” said Leah when her ball hit. Anita gave her a high five.

Leah wondered if she could get the other two pins down with her second ball to earn a spare. Nope. She looked at Anita and made a face.

“That’s ok,” said Anita. “Keep trying.”

Anita took her turn and got nine pins down. Then it was Leah’s turn again. She took her time lining up her ball. Whoosh – down the lane it rolled. “Nine!”

“Ok,” said Anita. “You can get that last one.” She helped Leah reposition her hand and adjust her stance. Whack – the last pin went down. A spare for Leah!

The game was over. Anita had won by a lot. “Too bad it’s over. I was just getting the hang of it,” said Leah.

“Want to play again?” asked Anita.

“Sure!” said Leah. She crossed her fingers. Maybe this time the turkey would be hers.