Unicorn Lore

What looks like a horse but has a horn? What has white fur and magical powers? What may or may not poop out rainbows? If you guessed a unicorn, you are right!

Are unicorns real? Only in your imagination. Unicorns do not exist. At least we don’t think they do!

Unicorns are legendary animals.  They only exist in stories. But where did the idea of the unicorn come from?

People in ancient cultures drew unicorns in their art. In India, people told stories about unicorns. In China, people thought that unicorns were good luck.

In Europe, the unicorn was a sign of love. They were strong and beautiful. They were hard to catch.

People in ancient Greece wrote about unicorns too. They thought their horns had powers. They said drinking from a unicorn horn would heal sickness.

Some people think unicorns are related to rhinos. Other people think they’re related to whales with horns. These whales are called Narwhals. They are the unicorns of the sea.

Even if unicorns don’t really exist, they are fun to read about. They are fun to draw. They are fun to imagine!