Word Bank

Let each child decorate a file box with colorful pictures or stickers. Inside go the pack dividers (in alphabetical order), and behind them enough file cards to fill the box. Each morning take a card from the back of the box and ask for a new word your children would like you to write. Any word is okay. Write in large upper and lowercase letters while your children watch and repeat the word. Hand children the new cards to do with as they please for a while. Your children may want to draw a picture on it, mail it in a toy mailbox, read it to a friend, tack it up on a bulletin board, or tape it to the refrigerator. When your children have finished with the word, help file it in the bank behind the appropriate letter divider. Each morning (or whatever time you wish) your children can take out the old word cards, read or repeat the words, redeposit the cards, and receive a new word. When a child has saved for a while, rather than remove all the words for review each day, draw one word from each letter of the alphabet or draw all the words filed under one letter.


Materials: File box for 4x6 file cards, pack of alphabet dividers, file cards, small picture cutouts or stickers, white glue


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