The star of Julián Is a Mermaid makes a joyful return—and finds a new friend—at a wedding to be...
Introducing Dexter T. Rexter, the toughest, coolest dinosaur ever. At least he likes to think so.
It’s almost Christmas and Corduroy sits on a department store shelf, wishing he could be a child’s...
Twelve-year-old Sunny St. James navigates heart surgery, reconnecting with her lost mother, first...
Meryl Lee Kowalski is sent to a girls' boarding school in fall 1968 to move on from her grief over a...
t's 1932, and twelve-year-old Cal Black and his Pop have been riding the rails for years after...
Avery Bloom, who's bookish, intense, and afraid of many things, particularly deep water, lives in...
There are no monsters anymore, or so the children in the city of Lucille are taught. Jam and her...
Over fifty years ago, a small bear set out on the adventure of a lifetime. With nothing but a...
From the author of Greetings from Witness Protection! comes another unforgettable middle-grade novel...
Could Bert really be a zombie cat? Two friends put their brains together to find out in a wry new...
Meet Caleb and Bobby Gene, two brothers embarking on a madcap, heartwarming, one-thing-leads-to...
Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we...
Little Lobo is excited to take in a show with wrestling star El Toro in his bustling border town!
The witch and her cat couldn't be happier, flying through the sky on their broomstick-until the...
On a spring morning, neighbors Valentina Kaplan and Oksana Savchenko wake up to an angry red sky. A...
There's nothing in the world like a wonderful friend. Friends are there to laugh with you and ready...
Rahul Kapoor is heading into seventh grade in a small town in Indiana. The start of middle school is...
When the news reports are flooded with tales of hatred and fear, a girl asks her papa what she can...
What’s a little piece of bread to do when he’s feeling lonely? Find a friend, of course!
And that’s...