Separated from his family when they were forced to flee their home, a young East African boy named...
Troublemaker follows the events of the LA Riots through the eyes of 12-year-old Jordan as he...
This moving and original story is about the intersection of Native and African Americans. Choctaw...
Charlie has been having nightmares. Eyes watching him in the night, claws on his chest, holding him...
A stirring, moving story about a boy and the horse he rescues from the sea -- Kate DiCamillio meets...
Mary Lambert has always felt safe and protected on her beloved island of Martha's Vineyard. Her...
It's 1969 and the country is gearing up for what looks to be the most exciting moment in U.S...
An Irish family stays together with the help of Fiona's talent for making one-of-a-kind lace in this...
A fictionalized account of the Godolphin Arabian, known as Sham, an ancestor of the modern...
Set in the Depression, the book is a series of stories about the adventures Joey Dowdel and his...
One of the "I Survived" series, this book is about how a Jewish boy in Poland escapes from the...
Another book in the "I Survived" series, this one focuses on the shark attacks of 1916. During that...
Annika is happy living in the servants' quarters of a house owned by three eccentric professors. She...