The inspiring and critically acclaimed all-American story of faith, family, hard work, and...
In this young readers adaptation of her #1 New York Times bestselling book, two-time Olympic gold...
"When Emma discovers the first spot, 'like a tiny bright moon' on her left foot, she's at the...
In this powerful middle grade novel from the acclaimed author of Things You Can’t Say, a young girl...
“Bernard and his newfound friends—revolutionary rats, wise-cracking cats, and coffee-chugging...
Does he belong to the land or to the sea?
Readers who loved Kelly Barnhill’s The Girl Who Drank the...
“Polaris Rising is space opera at its best, intense and addictive, a story of honor, courage...
Jesse is on the case when money goes missing from the library and her dad is looking like the #1...
From award-winning author Hilary McKay comes “a memorable family story” (Booklist, starred review)...
Could Bert really be a zombie cat? Two friends put their brains together to find out in a wry new...
With the adventure of Avi’s Poppy series and the heart of A Wolf Called Wander, this charming and...
Meet Caleb and Bobby Gene, two brothers embarking on a madcap, heartwarming, one-thing-leads-to...
What do you do when it feels impossible to live up to everything expected of you? When the only...
On November 14, 1963, a volcano fifteen miles off the shore of Iceland exploded under the sea...
This printable and interactive criss cross puzzle aligns with March Toward The Thunder by Joseph...
After reading March Toward The Thunder by Joseph Bruchnac, use this printable and interactive Word...
Use this graphic organizer to deepen vocabulary knowledge.
Use this Vocabulary Guide to identify Tier 2 vocabulary words for each chapter in the book.
Use this Discussion Guide before, during, and after reading.
Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we...
A Book Talk is a short introduction of a book to students to activate prior knowledge, build...