Thirteen-year-old Tai Pham lives in the apartment above his grandmother's store, where his bedroom...
When Candice finds a letter in an old attic in Lambert, South Carolina, she isn't sure she should...
On the outside, Yumi Chung suffers from #shygirlproblems, a perm-gone-wrong, and kids calling her...
When Lily and her family move in with her sick grandmother, a magical tiger straight out of her...
Regina Petit's family has always been Umpqua, and living on the Grand Ronde reservation is all ten...
There are no shortcuts to surviving your first day at a new school—you can’t fix it with duct tape...
The queen...
A Different Pond is an unforgettable story about a simple event - a long-ago fishing trip. Graphic...
Ten-year-old Manami did not realize how peaceful her family's life on Bainbridge Island was until...
Binny is excited to talk to her class about her favorite holiday. But she struggles to find the...
Alvin, an Asian American second grader who's afraid of everything, is back, and his worst fear has...
A Taino Indian legend about a young boy and his search for the healing caimoni tree.