Use this graphic organizer to deepen vocabulary knowledge.
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with Frida by Jonah Winter.
Who are you? Are you your thoughts? Are you your feelings? Are you your hairstyle? Is that who you...
This book explores what it means to be grateful. Not just for the big things like birthday parties...
We’re all part of a community even if we don’t know it yet. Community is about action, about sharing...
This is a book about belonging. It tackles what it’s like when you feel like you belong to a group...
Change is impossible to avoid because it happens ALL the time! In this book, the author speaks on...
Being inclusive is a choice we can make every day! Being inclusive means reaching out to and...
This is a book about empathy. Feelings aren’t always easy, especially when they are other people’s...
Empathy comes from knowledge. This is a children's book that celebrates diversity and inclusion
The Tulsa Race Massacre happened between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when a white mob attacked the...
We all know that hate and racism are bad, but what does it look like when an Asian person...