An unsettling, gripping middle grade debut about searching for a sense of belonging in the wrong...
In a new city, at a new school, twelve-year-old Emmy has never felt more out of tune. Things start...
From the U.S.'s foremost Indigenous children's author comes a middle grade verse novel set during...
Told from four intertwining points of view—two boys and two girls—the novel celebrates bravery...
For fans of Wonder, Chris Baron's The Magical Imperfect is an affecting middle grade story of two...
Ghost. Lu. Patina. Sunny. Four kids from wildly different backgrounds with personalities that are...
A stirring, moving story about a boy and the horse he rescues from the sea -- Kate DiCamillio meets...
In a racially polarized classroom in 1970 Alabama, Lu’s talent for running track makes her a new...
Reha feels torn between two worlds: school, where she’s the only Indian American student, and home...
The first book in a funny, heartfelt, and irresistible young middle grade series starring an...
On Emblem Island all are born knowing their fate. Their lifelines show the course of their life and...
Perfect for fans of Raymie Nightingale and The Fourteenth Goldfish, this heartfelt middle-grade...
Coco meets Stranger Things with a hint of Ghostbusters in this action-packed supernatural fantasy...
In this timely tale of immigration, two cousins learn the importance of family and friendship. A...
Eleven-year-old Josephine knows that no one is good enough for her daddy. That's why she makes a...
One of our most iconic childhood games receives a creepy twist as it becomes the gateway to a...
Twelve-year-old Nimra Sharif has spent her whole life in Islamic school, but now it's time to go to...
Welcome to the imaginative brain of Omar! Omar and his family have just moved, and he is NOT excited...
Brand-new kicks, ripped denim shorts, Supreme tee-- Wes Henderson has the best style in sixth grade...
A moving and triumphant middle grade contemporary debut from award-winning author Matt Wallace about...
What begins as a training run with sled dogs turns into a race against time for Tatum and her new...
Mary Lambert has always felt safe and protected on her beloved island of Martha's Vineyard. Her...