Good company, great food and drink, and most importantly, lots of fun—we all like celebrating...
This is a children's picture book about winter celebrations around the world: Solstice, Yule...
Eight-year-old Margaret Pokiak has set her sights on learning to read, even though it means leaving...
"We are a people who matter." Inspired by President Barack Obama's Of Thee I Sing, Go Show the World...
A is for Aboriginal is the first in the First Nations Reader Series. Each letter explores a name, a...
Too often, Native American history is treated as a finished chapter instead of relevant and ongoing...
The Sioux are a confederacy of Native American tribes that speak three different dialects: Lakota...
The Shawnee once lived across the eastern United States. They thrived as a fierce group of warriors...
The Navajo Nation is one of the largest Native American tribes. Today, their lands make up over 27...
Living in the Four Corners region of the Southwest, the Hopi are a Native American nation who still...
The Cherokee people are Native Americans that once lived in and around the Appalachian Mountains...
The Blackfeet Nation is one of the largest Native American nations. They have lived in the Rocky...
Though united today, America has not always stood together. This hi-lo title looks at the war that...
Eleven-year-old Tilly saved lives in Thailand by warning people that a tsunami was coming. Fifteen...
Young people from across the globe are raising awareness about what issues matter to them most and...
This new edition of Free Spirit’s best-selling youth service guide includes a refreshed "Ten Steps...
From Picasso, who changed the art world forever, to Malala Yousafzai, the brave teen who was shot...
Join the Planetwalker, John Francis, on an exploration of kindness, great and small. From the...
Open the Door to a Lifetime of Giving is a gift book for children ages 6 to 11 – inspiring, teaching...
If you are a kid with big dreams and a passion for what is right, you just might be a world-changer...
Hunger continues to be an international problem. This true story of how one ordinary person did...
Making a Difference is the first book in the inspirational nonfiction children's book series Young...
This is the story of a little girl who just wanted to go, even when others tried to stop her.