A boy was getting dressed in his bedroom. His pet dog, frog and turtle watched as he put on his best...
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with Little Critter: The Fall Festival by...
After reading Little Critter: The Fall Festival by Mercer Mayer, use this printable and interactive...
After reading Little Critter: The Fall Festival by Mercer Mayer, use this Memory Matching puzzle to...
After reading Little Critter: Just Going to the Dentist by Mercer Mayer use this printable and...
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with Little Critter: Just Going to the...
After reading This Is My Town by Mercer Mayer use this printable and interactive Word Search puzzle...
This printable and interactive crisscross puzzle aligns with This Is My Town by Mercer Mayer.
Little Critter has a day off from school!
When Little Critter® feels just a little sick, Mom lets...
Welcome to Critterville!
Little Critter® shares what he knows about his neighbors and the places to...