A funny and heartwarming middle-grade graphic novel adventure about friendship, defying expectations...
A contemporary adventure based on Maya mythology from Rick Riordan Presents! Zane Obispo spends...
Miles Morales is a normal kid who happens to juggle school at Brooklyn Visions Academy while...
Under the full moon, Abuela leads an enchanted dance, bows to the sky and the night winds, and helps...
Jovita dreamed of wearing pants! She hated the big skirts Abuela made her wear. She wanted to scale...
Una novela gráfica de grado medio sobre Marlene, una joven que deja de alisarse el pelo y acepta sus...
Encanto meets The Chronicles of Narnia by way of Colombian folklore in this middle grade fantasy...
San Francisco and Orangevale may be in the same state, but for Héctor Muñoz, they might as well be a...
As a shy, young boy, Fred Rogers found comfort in telling stories through puppets. When television...
Jamila Phillips and Tai Johnson have been inseparable since they were toddlers, having grown up...
Deontae “Simp” Wright has big plans for his future. Plans that involve basketball, his best friend...
Celeste knows she should be excited to spend two weeks at her grandparents' lake house with her...
Bree can’t wait for her first day at her new middle school, Enith Brigitha, home to the Mighty...
Mr. Lincoln is the coolest principal ever! He knows how to do everything, from jumping rope to...
This collection of books, curated by Reading Is Fundamental in partnership with TIME for Kids, will...
Welcome to the enchanted world of Cook Me a Story, where the most beloved fairy tales are retold...
Marlene loves three things: books, her cool Tía Ruby and hanging out with her best friend Camila...
Twelve-year-old homeschooled Olive is tired of being seen as “fragile” just because she has...
Be careful. Your next step may be your last. Fifth grader Tamaya Dhilwaddi and seventh grader...
Moon’s depression is overwhelming. Therapy doesn’t help, and Moon is afraid that their mom hates...
It's 1946. Langston's mother has just died, and now they're leaving the rest of his family and...
After reading Grandma's Gift by Eric Velasquez use this printable and interactive Word Search puzzle...
This printable and interactive criss cross puzzle aligns with Grandma's Gift by Eric Velasquez.