Our Board

Reading Is Fundamental’s (RIF’s) board helps to shape our strategies and programs, ensuring that we are a sustainable, impactful nonprofit organization. Meet the leading executives, literacy experts, visionary educators, and other professionals united by our mission to disrupt the U.S. literacy crisis.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors steers RIF towards a sustainable future by strategizing and driving sound governance, management, and financial policies. The Board of Directors advances RIF’s mission, which is centered around inspiring the joy of reading—driving the reading frequency, motivation, and engagement that puts children on the path to becoming skilled readers.

Children happily reading books

Rooted in a sense of belonging

RIF’s work incorporates belonging in everything we do, from the communities we serve to the stories we tell, to the authors and illustrators we feature. Closing the achievement gap has been the driver of our work since our founding in 1966. To reinforce our commitment, we have a National Advisory Board.