From the time he is a young boy, Neftalí hears the call of a mysterious voice. Even when the...
Thomas Hammond has always lived next to Leepike Ridge, but he never imagined he might end up lost...
Adam, aged 11, loves to travel with his father, a wandering minstrel, and his dog, Nick. They travel...
A fictionalized account of the Godolphin Arabian, known as Sham, an ancestor of the modern...
Professor William Waterman Sherman, a retired schoolteacher, sets out to fly across the Pacific...
Mary Alice has spent many summers with Grandma Dowdel in a small town in Illinois, but now, at age...
The first book in a trilogy, it describes the adventures of 13-year-old Crispin, which took place in...
The story of Abilene Tucker, who jumps off a train in Manifest, Kansas, to learn more about her...