Dobry is a young boy who lives in Bulgaria with his widowed mother and grandfather, who run the...
Before Louisa May Alcott wrote her iconic and beloved novel, Little Women, she had her own...
The story of Johnny Tremain, a 14-year-old boy who becomes a horse boy for The Boston Observer and a...
A fictionalized account of the Godolphin Arabian, known as Sham, an ancestor of the modern...
Set in the Middle Ages in England during the Black Death (bubonic plague), the story is about Robin...
Professor William Waterman Sherman, a retired schoolteacher, sets out to fly across the Pacific...
Mary Alice has spent many summers with Grandma Dowdel in a small town in Illinois, but now, at age...
The first book in a trilogy, it describes the adventures of 13-year-old Crispin, which took place in...